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What is a frozen shoulder?

We are concerned with shoulder pain arising from associated musculoskeletal conditions of the back and neck, but not isolated occurrences. 

Frozen Shoulder (aka Adhesive Capsulitis) is characterised by progressive pain and loss of range of motion in the ball and socket joint of the shoulder.

It results in a chronic inflammation with thickening of the shoulder capsule and rotator cuff muscles that are tight and inelastic.

What are the symptoms of frozen shoulder?

It can develop spontaneously but can also be down to an underlying condition. Most frozen shoulders “just come on”. 

Classically, a patient will notice certain movements hurt and they will adapt their actions and activities so that they don’t have to use those certain movements any more. For example, they’ll move things they use often down from a shelf to a height they can manage or use the other side to reach for things instead. Before long, they don’t even know how stiff the affected shoulder has become because they stopped using it properly ages ago!

What is the treatment for frozen shoulder?

High grade mobilisation has been found effective in the treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis. 

The practice must be steady, continuous and over a period of time.
— Patanjali

Shoulder Girdle Pain/ Dysfunction

Shoulder pain is soreness, tension and/ or stiffness in the shoulder region.

Your chiropractor will assess you, explain what is happening and use manipulation or mobilisation to treat your shoulder so that you recover as quickly as possible.