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What is knee osteoarthritis?

According to Arthritis Research UK, women are twice as likely to develop Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) than men. It usually starts from the late 50’s onwards and can affect both knees.

What are the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis?

  • Knees may be painful when you walk

  • Particularly uphill or stairs

  • They can give way

  • It may be difficult to straighten your legs

  • There may be clicking or grating sounds

  • Pain in the front or sides of your knee

Stiff and/ or painful knees can alter the way you walk and increase the stress on other joints like your hips or low back. Your chiropractor will look at the whole picture, not just the painful knees, to make sure you are functioning as well as possible.

What is the treatment for knee osteoarthritis?

Manipulation or mobilisation with exercise is an effective treatment choice for Knee OA as an adjunct to core OA treatments and exercise.

Behavior first. Thoughts, feelings and perceptions follow.
— Dr Andrew Huberman