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My initial chiropractic appointments are an hour long so I have the time to learn about all your symptoms and how they affect your daily life. Then i run you through a physical exam with orthopaedic tests to find out where your pain is coming from. I’ll discuss what I find with you and put together a treatment plan with you that suits your lifestyle, time scale and budget. Treatment is still very hands on and sessions may include soft tissue work, chiropractic adjustments and exercises where appropriate.

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The benefits of a regular yoga practice are varied and profound. From improved alignment and posture to pain relief, better hormone balance and balancing the nervous system. My 1-2-1 yoga therapy sessions are tailored to the individual students’ healthcare needs and ability. I like to think of it as your prescription yoga. Group classes are focussed on improving your imbalances, alignment, mobility and strength.

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Helping you focus on nutrition, exercise, stress relief, sleep hygiene, community spirit and the breath. A small improvement in each of these areas really adds up to huge improvements in your health and wellbeing. I like to educate in all of these areas during our appointments so you’ll hopefully learn something you can implement easily. Now more than ever is time to for us to be better, both individually and collectively.